Google Cloud vs IBM Cloud

June 16, 2021

Google Cloud vs IBM Cloud: Battle of the Cloud Titans

In this post, we will dive into the comparison between two of the biggest players in the cloud computing industry: Google Cloud and IBM Cloud. Both platforms offer a myriad of services, ranging from computing power to storage resources. But, which one should you choose? Read on to find out.


Google deploys its infrastructure in regions with at least three zones each. This means that, even in case of significant failures, data will still be safe and available. Currently, they have data centers in 24 regions around the world.

IBM Cloud, on the other hand, has data centers in over 60 regions globally, but they deploy their infrastructure in fewer zones than Google. This could potentially cause difficulties in case a zone goes down.

Provider Regions Zones
Google 24 3
IBM Cloud 60+ 2

In terms of infrastructure, Google Cloud's deployment in more zones makes it a better option.


When it comes to services, both platforms offer similar products such as virtual machines, containers, databases, storage, and more.

Google Cloud specializes in big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Their services in these areas are more advanced compared to IBM Cloud.

IBM, on the other hand, has a more robust collection of tools to manage, optimize, and automate cloud infrastructure. This makes it ideal for enterprises and organizations that rely heavily on cloud technology. IBM Cloud is also more focused on hybrid cloud offering - these are integrated environments that combine public cloud providers and private clouds.

When comparing services, it really depends on what you need from your cloud provider. If you require advanced AI functionality and big data analytics, Google Cloud is the better choice. For larger organizations that require extensive tools to manage and monitor their cloud infrastructure, IBM Cloud is the way to go.


In terms of pricing, Google Cloud has a more complicated pricing scheme than IBM Cloud. Google Cloud also offers various discounts and a free Tier that allows you to experiment with their services for free.

IBM Cloud does not have a free offering, but they have a slightly cheaper pricing model compared to Google for basic services like virtual machines.

In general, both platform provide competitive pricing models, and, once again, it's really up to the individual consumer to evaluate which one fits their needs and budget.


One significant thing to consider when choosing a cloud platform is reliability. Both Google Cloud and IBM Cloud offer 24/7 technical support for their users, but Google has a more substantial knowledge base available to their customers.

Google Cloud also has a service level agreement stating that their services will be available 99.99% of the time. IBM Cloud does not provide this guarantee, but they do have a similar service-level agreement for their paid services.

Provider SLA Support Knowledge Base
Google 99.99% uptime 24/7 Extensive
IBM Cloud Similar to Google for paid services 24/7 Sufficient

In terms of reliability, both providers offer excellent uptime guarantees and customer support. But, Google Cloud edges out IBM due to their better knowledge base.


In conclusion, both cloud computing platforms have their strengths and weaknesses. Google Cloud has a more extensive infrastructure and more advanced AI services. IBM Cloud is focused on managing and optimizing cloud infrastructure and has a more competitive pricing model.

Ultimately, it depends on what you're looking for in a cloud platform. If you're looking for advanced AI and big data analytics services, Google Cloud is the way to go. If you're looking for optimized cloud infrastructure management tools and a more cost-effective pricing model, then IBM Cloud is the better choice.


  1. "Google Cloud vs. IBM Cloud," 2021.
  2. "IBM cloud regions," n.d.
  3. "IBM Cloud vs. Google Cloud Platform," 2021.

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